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Designing a world where digital technologies are enablers of experiences.

Hey, I'm Petros!

I'm an Interaction & UX/UI designer. I design rich, meaningful and expressive digital experiences by connecting design, technology and data. With my background in product design, engineering and human-computer interaction, I craft product experiences for organisations leveraging data as a design material.

My design philosophy

Societal impact through design

I don’t design alone in my ivory tower, thinking about an ideal world. The mindset of a design practice that is cut off from any other discipline is dangerous and narrow-minded. I believe design is a crossroad of multiple disciplines and great products are a result of even greater teams.

Designing not as a visual tool.

I don’t design alone in my ivory tower, thinking about an ideal world. The mindset of a design practice that is cut off from any other discipline is dangerous and narrow-minded. I believe design is a crossroad of multiple disciplines and great products are a result of even greater teams.

"Show me, don't tell me."

Experiences are always felt, never described. Designing meaningful digital interactions is an act of doing, not an act of “gut feelings” and guesswork. As a designer, I embrace and welcome the inherently uncertain nature of the design process. I work holistically, unravelling assumptions and ambiguities that sit on the surface.

Designing is not a solo project

I don’t design alone in my ivory tower, thinking about an ideal world. The mindset of a design practice that is cut off from any other discipline is dangerous and narrow-minded. I believe design is a crossroad of multiple disciplines and great products are a result of even greater teams.